Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Mango Cleanse

Written 24th, 2011

It’s the newest thing! You simply eat mangoes constantly and your body will naturally “flush” all the toxins out. It is mango season here in my site, so mangoes are everywhere. I swear, everyday I come home and my mom has a new type of mango for me to try. I have tried so many, and I honestly can’t tell you the names of more than three of them, and to be quite honest, a lot of them taste the same to me. However, there are a few that have very distinct flavors; some delicious, and some just good. This morning, I cut one up to have with my oatmeal (a mango piña), but unfortunately it was a little too ripe, so it wasn’t good, or at least I didn’t think so. I don’t like mangos to be super sweet, and when they get overripe, they get really sweet and lose that sort of pine needle-esk taste that is so distinct to a mango. I have been eating about four mangos a day. I’m loving it, but yes, they really do flush out those toxins!! I’m not sure if we get much of a variety of mangos in the States to chose from, but if you can find a Mango Hadé (spelling), it is definitely the best!

Next Monday, I’m going to be giving my first charla on…wait for it, wait for it… diarrhea! I was at the health center yesterday, which was a Monday. Every Monday there are more people in the center because it is not open on the weekend, so we get a build up of patients. So this Monday, almost all of the babies and under two-year-olds had a fever. Sonia wanted me to give a charla about diarrhea right there on the spot. I couldn’t do it. It took me a little while to explain to her that there is no way I can stand up in front of people and just wing-it because I just don’t have the Spanish vocabulary to be able to do it. But, after about 20 minutes, she understood that I wasn’t talking about not being able to do it because I didn’t have materials or because I was nervous (which obviously I am), but because even though I know the information that the people need to hear, I simply don’t have the Spanish vocabulary, yet. It would be a grueling hour of me stumbling over my words trying to get out information that could have been said in about 15 minutes.

So, after that interesting discussion, it was decided that I would give the charla next Monday. So, now it is Tuesday. I have five days to get the material, find the information, and mentally prepare myself to give it. Yes, I am super nervous. I don’t like to get up in front of people anyways, but doing it in Spanish, and having this be my first charla by myself - even scarier. But, I have to start sometime, so why not Monday, with a charla about diarrhea - who doesn’t like learning about pooh!

On another note, motorcycles are starting to drive me crazy - and I have only been here a little more than a week. Day 1, I had to explain that I can’t ride motorcycles, and I have had to explain it many times since then. But, yesterday I missed out on being able to go to an aldea to observe an AIN-C (the measure and weigh kids) event. The AIN-C representative and Sonia were going, but on what - yes a moto - so not only could I not go because there was only room for two, but because it was also prohibited. Everyone here rides motorcycles. Anytime anything is going on, the only way to get there is on a motorcycle!

TOTAL SEGUE - “Ok, Snaps. Snaps is the name of the game. The name of the game is Snaps. Do you hear me?” Then something is said while snapping and you have to guess what they just snapped I am watching “P.S. I Love You” and that was just said. But, it made remember one of my camping trips with the Beckwith family. We were yurting in Washington in November - awesome, I know. One night we were all sitting around the fire and someone mentioned that game - I think it was Jeff, but then everyone took turns playing, but I could not for the life of me figure out how the game was played. I still have no idea how the game is played. I need to figure it out. But, one of the “rules” is that you can’t explain it, I guess. You have to just figure it out for yourself based on when the person snaps - but yep, this blond can‘t. I’m usually pretty quick to figure things out, but not with this particular game. It is one of those things that when, someday, I finally do figure it out, I’m going to hate myself for not figuring it out sooner!

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